2024.08.31 15:00Workshop in Bangkok I am honored to be hosting a two-day workshop and lecture, organized by the Thai Botanical Artists Group. This will be my second time teachi...
2024.06.30 15:00Medicinal Plants ExhibitionThe exhibition on medicinal plants of flora japonica will be held at 4th International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health.Unive...
2024.04.30 15:00Curious AlliesThe New York Botanical Garden’s Fifth Triennial, Curious Allies: Mutualism in Fungi, Parasites, and Carnivores is taking place.The New York ...
2023.07.31 15:00Workshop and Talk event Thanks to my friend, I am going to hold a two-day workshop in Bangkok, hosted by Thai Botanical Artist.This is drawing and painting classes ...
2023.04.30 15:00Solo Exhibition The solo exhibition will be held at the gallery belongs to the Motegi public library.There will be about thirty artworks, including painting...
2022.10.31 15:00‘Nihonga for the future’Exhibition of Japanese paintings for the futureDates: 11 Feb - 12 Mar 2023 (closed on Mondays)Venue: Shohaku Museum of Art, Nara, JapanShoha...
2021.09.30 15:00Elegant and Enchanting Elegant and Enchanting Botanical Art from Japan, China and ThailandExhibition period : 19, October 2021〜 24, April 2022Venue : Shirley ...
2021.08.31 15:00Abundant FutureThe Triennial Botanical Art exhibition is being held by ASBA.Provided the unusual situation due to COVID-19, the exhibition has been resched...
2021.04.30 15:00Exhibition at the Siebold-MuseumThis exhibition shows illustrations of Siebold and contemporary artworks. We can see how Siebold's plant documentations still today influenc...
2021.01.31 15:00Exploring BotanyThe botanical art exhibition 'Exploring Botany' is held in Krakow, Poland.More than 30 artists from Japan and Europe will be invited. &...
2020.12.31 15:00Research Paper about VellumThe Journal of the Society of Art and Design, which includes my article about the botanical art on Vellum, was published in December 2020.“M...
2020.10.14 15:00A gathering of flowersThe exhibition will be held in the context of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh’s 350th Anniversary celebrations.Florilegium: A gathering o...